What do you know about female breast shapes?
When you consider the breast shapes of the female, it is important to know that there are different shapes of the breasts. It is not that one shape of breast is better than another one, it is just that although they have different shapes, every breast is unique and you can make them better with efforts. From the sexual point-of-view for men, breasts are the most fascinating and desirable. In fact, rather than breast shapes, it is the perfect tits which can turn on the man’s sex desire. Proper breast and tits give a very nice pleasurable experience for both partners. As per a study, Canadian biologist Bruce Bagemihl notes that different species, including humans like stimulating tits while having sex with their partner.
What are 8 common breast shapes?
Every breast of female is unique and appears in different shapes. The perfect tits can be observed under any type of breast shape in the female.
However, depending on the size and shapes they are classified into types of female breast shapes.
Here we will look at 8 common breast shapes types:
1. Round shape
Round shape breasts are round in shape and both look symmetrical manner. There is a sort of fullness in them and the circular shape makes it look good. It is found that these breasts make a female look gorgeous, which also arouses men’s sexual desire with its view.
2. Asymmetric shape
In asymmetric shape, the size and shape of one breast is different and another breast is different of the same female. Here, mostly one breast appears slightly bigger and another is smaller in size. Also, one is little sagging, while another is more sagging breasts.
3. Water drop
This shapes of the breasts have a shape like that of the water drop. Here, it is less bulky at the top and as we go towards bottom it becomes more bulky and larger in size. These types of breasts are also likable by men during sex activity.
4. Athletic
Athletic breast are either smaller or medium sized, which appear in a very proper shape. These breasts appear a little muscular in appearance. This usually happens, as the female is involved in sports, workout, or other types of physical activities.
5. Close set
In close set breasts, both breasts are so close to each other that there is no separation gap between them or a very small gap between them. Both breasts are merging to the center of the chest and there is comparatively more distance between breast and underarm.
6. East- West
In East-West types of breasts, both breasts have a larger gap between them. More noteworthy aspects of these breasts are that their tits are pointing away from each other appearing as east-west direction.
7. Relaxed
In this type, the breasts appear a little relaxed and are little sagging downward. These types may not have perfect tits, as they mostly point in the downward direction. These types of breasts are as a result of thin or loose breast tissue. These breasts must be supported with a properly shaped bra to make it look better.
8. Slender
These types of breasts are sagging and they are longer. The tits of these types of breasts are pointing in the downward direction. These types of breasts are also smaller in size and they do not cover entire areas of the chest. These types of breasts are generally observed in middle-aged and older-women. Also, many plus-sized fat females also have these types of breasts. It is important to keep these types of the breasts properly aligned under the dress to make it look beautiful.
These are 8 types of breast shapes are commonly observed in the females. As per the PRS open global studies, the ideal shape of the breasts must balance with the body proportion of female to make it look beautiful.
What men can do to enjoy better sex?
As per the 2017 study, men do not give more prominence to breast shape for sexual activities. Yes, they would expect some basic aspects like medium breast size, firm & perked up, and more importantly they must have perfect tits to enjoy during sex. Men can also make up their mind with their partner with any shape of the breasts. It’s all on your mind and moves when it comes to enjoying sex.
If you have a specific preference for the breast shape, then Tantaly will help you achieve it. Tantaly has different types of sex dolls which can help to get desired sexual satisfaction to a very great extent.